NJ Acupuncture Center

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Sniffle Season? Let Acupuncture Boost Your Immune System

In many parts of the country, November marks the season where temperatures really start to change, when the winter coats and hats and gloves get dusted off and put to use. But bundling up alone won’t shield you from catching the runny noses, sore throats, and sniffles that so many fo us deal with over the cold weather months. While getting enough rest and eating properly can help keep you well, there’s one natural way to boost your immune system so that it’s at peak performance at the right time of year: acupuncture.

Our body’s ability to fight infections and viruses is a result of many different parts of the body that work together. When any of those parts of the body are not operating at their peak, the immune system is weakened. One of the most important parts of the immune system is the spleen. Located near the stomach, the spleen holds many responsibilities, but from an immune system, standpoint, the spleen filters our blood, recycling old red blood cells and and storing platelets and white blood cells which are both responsible for fighting off infections, bacteria, and viruses. Acupuncture regulates our body’s internal system and important organs like the spleen—instead of relying on medications, acupuncture allows the body to perform its functions at close to their peak efficiency and effectiveness.

A study also found that targeted acupuncture is effective at cytokines and helper T cells. Cytokines are proteins that are secreted by cells that help cells interact and communicate with others, and helper T cells are active in the body’s fight against microbes.

Making acupuncture part of your usual Wellness routine is a great idea in general, but especially during this time of the year when many of us fall prey to runny noses, sore throats and the common cold. Help boost your immune system today by coming in for a visit!