NJ Acupuncture Center

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What is a Massage, Really?

You know they feel amazing and you know they help with stress and tension — but what is a massage, really?

What’s the purpose, the point? How do they work and what are the different kinds?

It’s important to know what type of service you’re going to receive, so we’re here to help. Here’s all you need to know about the three most common types of massage we offer: acupressure, deep tissue, and relaxation.


Acupressure massages are highly effective when performed by properly trained therapists. Using the same underlying philosophy as acupuncture, the approach uses firm pressure at acupoints and pressure points as opposed to acuneedles. During acupressure, physical pressure from the fingers is applied to acupuncture points throughout the body with the ultimate goal of clearing blockages within the affected meridians. The specific points of treatment will depend on the patient’s chief complaints and/or wellness goals.

Deep Tissue

If you find you’re suffering from muscle tension, cramping, anxiety or those pesky shoulder knots that develop over time from tension and poor posture — a deep tissue massage is the best option from you. Using firm and targeted pressure, the therapist will use deep pressure with slow strokes that are relaxing but also purposeful as they aim to reach the deep layers of your connective tissues and muscles. Though these massages are targeted and you should feel pressure, be sure to speak up if you feel pain. And, drink plenty of water after to help flush out the toxins!

Sweedish Massage

If you are in need of some “me” time and relaxation, a “typical” Sweedish massage is definitely what you’re after. This full-body, gentle massage is good at relieving tension and just feels really good, too. While it can also help to relieve muscle knots, it’s a great option for clients that might be new to massage, or are pretty sensitive to firmer pressure. Your therapist will use long, slow strokes across your body which will help to improve circulation and blood flow, promote relaxation, and maybe even soothe you off to sleep!

Before booking, be sure to consult with your therapist as to which type of service is best for you.
