NJ Acupuncture Center

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Acupuncture and Alzheimers: How Acupuncture Can Help the Brain

Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most difficult conditions for anyone to live with, because not only does it affect the person inflicted with it, but the effect on family and loved ones can be profound. An estimated 5.5 million people in the United States suffer from Alzheimer’s, with most of them being over the age of 65. 

There is no cure for Alzhiemer’s. But acupuncture can help both treat those who are suffering from Alzheimer’s—and can potentially help in prevention of the disease developing. 

As we learn more about what causes Alzheimer’s we’re learning how acupuncture earlier in life, before symptoms appear, might be able to help prevent Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia from forming. “The two main etymologies of Alzheimer’s are phlegm stasis and kidney deficiency.,” writes Kari Cobb, LAc, in Acupuncture Today.  Protein buildups outside and inside the neurons in the brain cause damage and the eventual death of neurons, which causes the memory loss that fuels dementia and Alzheimer’s. 

But we know that our body is interconnected, and that when one part of the body is not properly functioning, it can be due to issues in other areas of the body that are important to our overall health. One of those areas is the kidneys—as Cobb writes, “The kidneys store essence to generate marrow and the brain is the sea of marrow.” That means that maintaining healthy kidneys can go a long way towards potentially preventing later issues to the brain down the line, including Alzheimer’s. In terms of treatment, again, acupuncture cannot cure Alzheimer’s. But acupuncture has shown to improve “calculation ability and short-term memory.”

Hopefully one day there will be a cure or proven prevention for Alzheimer’s disease. Until then, maintaining a healthy core function of our body through acupuncture is an effective, holistic potential prevention method.