

The BODYsculpt treatment is a customized, signature, experience at NJ Acupuncture Center that combines some of our most powerful sculpting and contouring treatments into one results-driven session. 

This 5-phased treatment is especially recommended for those looking to drop inches, tighten and contour their bodies in an efficient, non-invasive way.

Treatment includes: 

  • Lymph massage

  • Wood therapy

  • Gua sha

  • Electric muscle stimulation

  • Ultracavitation Radio Frequency OR Cryotherapy (depending on your needs!) 

What are the benefits of BODYsculpt?

  • Helps get rid of bloat

  • Increases circulation

  • Lymphatic drainage

  • Tightens and tones

  • Helps show muscle definition

For ultimate results, pair with our signature FACEsculpt treatment!

Contraindications and Side Effects: 

Following BODYSculpt treatment, some patients may experience skin sensitivity, soreness or some bruising/marking. This should all subside in a few days. 

BODYSculpt should not be performed if you are pregnant, have a serious injury, are still healing from surgery, if you have certain medical conditions including clotting or bleeding disorders, skin infections, or active open wounds.