Can Acupuncture Help Your Menstrual Cramps?

Any woman has been there before - the aching, throbbing, crampy pains that come along with the territory of being a woman and having a monthly cycle. No matter which way you choose to think about it, they are never fun to experience. 


Whether your remedy of choice includes heating pads, Tylenol, exercise, sleep, or curling up in the fetal position until it's all over, acupuncture is something you should definitely consider adding into your bag of tricks to help combat painful periods, also known as dysmenorrhea. 

A HelloGiggles writer who had struggled with cramps and pain for quite some time recently documented her own experience in seeking relief through the alternative treatment. And while she loved relaxing and listening to music throughout her session, what was most notable was that her two subsequent periods following regular treatments were much improved. She explained, "But the two periods I have had since starting with regular treatments have been so much better. Suddenly, I’m not relying on painkillers as often to ease menstrual cramps and headaches, but honestly, the benefits are evident all month long. Acupuncture helps my anxiety and moods, while also helping with my insomnia. I’ve slept better than I have in years."

Her results are not surprising, as many of our clients have found relief from their monthly symptoms via acupuncture.  Yet she set out for more information by speaking with some experts in the field. 

Three experts she spoke to all agreed that acupuncture can demonstrate long-term improvement, with one Dr. Alban explaining, " 'Some people improve and do not need further treatment. Others need ongoing or occasional maintenance,' by way of monthly tune-ups around the start of their cycle."

Her conclusion? "If you’ve been struggling with heavy, painful, and seemingly never-ending periods, you might want to give acupuncture a try. It certainly can’t hurt and just might be the self-care technique you’ve been missing to finally feel better each month."

We couldn't agree more.