Botox, or Cosmetic Acupuncture?

We’ve covered the benefits of facial or cosmetic acupuncture before — but recently, Forbes published an article that we were oh so happy to see..

Entitled, Is Cosmetic Acupuncture The New Botox? (we think so, yes!) Forbes investigated the benefits of cosmetic acupuncture as it gains in popularity across the globe, especially in the US and the UK.

Diving into the work of Dr John Tsagaris, a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine who was one of the first in the UK to offer facial acupuncture, the article provides an in-depth look at the treatment and its benefits and results.

Much like we do here at NJ Acupuncture Center, the article explained that “Dr. Tsagaris uses acupuncture, specific bodywork, as well as herbal, supplement and lifestyle recommendations to help clients “age well” rather than to try to artificially hold back time. His signature treatment, ‘beauty acupuncture,’ combines acupuncture with traditional facial treatments.“

Yes, acupuncture can both help battle signs of aging and help prevent signs of aging. It’s a win/win.

The relatively painless and minimally invasive procedure typically utilizes nearly 50 acuneedles placed throughout the face that work together put the facial skin into “repair mode" this, “increasing circulation and oxygen supply to the skin. The technique, inspired from traditional acupuncture, encourages production of newer, stronger collagen and elastin fibres resulting in improved firmness, elasticity, reduced fine lines and a healthier complexion and texture overall. This micro-wound healing response, unlike Botox, can influence the longterm health of the skin, working on more than just the superficial signs of aging.”

So in a sense, it’s better than Botox, a least, in our opinion, because facial acupuncture works harder and has longer-lasting benefits without the injection of chemicals into the body.

If you’re interested in pursuing cosmetic acupuncture to help achieve your beauty and wellness goals, please contact us for a free consultation. We’d love to help you along your journey and to assist in achieving your goals.