One Woman Shares How She Beat Her Migraines with Acupuncture

If you’re one of the million Americans who, unfortunately, suffer from migraines — you’re not alone. We know how desperate you might be to find some relief, and we’re happy to say we can help.

But, don’t just take our word for it. Meet Samantha Fletcher, who recently told the Daily Mail all about her struggles, and how she found relief through acupuncture.

Struggling since age 13, Fletcher said, “the migraines were mild and rare at first, but they became frequent and unmanageable. Two years ago, at the age of 26, I was having two a week.”

Beat Her Migraines with Acupuncture

Despite medications and other traditional approaches to find relief, she then decided to give acupuncture a try.

She describes her thoughts during her first treatment saying, “I lay there for half an hour, then she returned to the room, took them out and sent me on my way. To my surprise, the next week was the first in years when I didn’t have a migraine. Had I found something that worked, or was it a fluke?”

It most definitely wasn’t a fluke.

Going once a week for several months that followed, Fletcher says, “I would leave feeling calm and less tense — and I had only two migraines in nine months while having acupuncture.”

Fletcher concluded, “Without the migraines, I have more energy, I feel happier, I can exercise again and it’s much easier to work. Skeptics may say it’s just the placebo effect — but I don’t mind if it is.”

We believe in the healing powers of acupucnture. If you’re struggling with migraines, let us help.