Wrist Pain? Let Acupunture Help

With most of us spending more and more time on our laptops, tablets, smartphones and other devices, it’s no wonder we may be experiencing a surge in wrist and hand pain.

After-all, the curved and repetitive motions of typing and texting are unnatural to our bodies and can cause significant wear and tear.

Wrist Pain

Whether you’ve developed carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, arthritis, or are simply in discomfort — we’re here to help.

When seeking relief for wrist pain, your license acupuncturist will insert acuneedles at specific acupoints (located along the body’s internal meridians) and will restore the flow of qi — the energy that lies within your body. In doing so, circulation in the area will improve which means that blood flow will be restored, lessening inflammation and swelling and improving range of motion. Muscle spasms may soon begin to fade, too. Internal healing will begin within the first few minutes of treatment and will continue with subsequent appointments.

One of the most important factors, pain relief, will soon follow suit.

In addition to acupuncture, proper posture (maintaining a natural curvature of the wrist while typing), stretching, and hydration should be practiced as well. A hand and wrist massage daily is always a great idea too, as is avoiding overuse. (Which is easier said than done these days!)
