Is it Fall allergies, or COVID-19?

Fall Allergies

We love everything about fall. Except, the allergies.

Pumpkins, cool air, falling leaves, scented candles, warm sweaters - we can’t get enough! But with it comes snifles, sneezes, eye irritation and dryness that we could seriously do without. Especially during a pandemic.

So, if your nose is runny, throat is sore and you’re panicking wondering, “Is this my allergies or could I have COVID? We can try to help. Recently, NBC reported some key differences we felt were worthwhile to share.

The NBC reporter spoke to Pam Angelillo, an allergy nurse at UConn Health. She said, “Ragweed season is pretty high right now and that will last pretty much until the end of September into October until we start to get some colder weather.” Combine this with the fact that mold-related allergies become more problematic when wet leaves to fall, and it can be quite unpleasant.

Discerning between allergies and COVID-19 can be a bit difficult, as Angelillo said, “I think it’s going to be difficult for a lot of people,” says Angelillo. “Allergies will not give you a fever.“

Though, “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, some of the overlapping symptoms are a cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and congestion or runny nose.”

Regardless of what YOU may think, though, it’s very important to note that the CDC encourages anyone who is exhibiting signs of COVID-19 to get a test to confirm a diagnosis.

To help alleviate allergy symptoms, NBC reports that, “Dr. Angelillo recommends over the counter medications, washing your linens frequently, taking a shower after any outdoor activity, and as nice as it may be to sleep with the windows open as it gets cooler at night, keep your windows shut.”

And, she advised wearing and washing your mask frequently can help keep pollen, which can exacerbate your allergies, at bay as well.

Oh, and don’t forget acupuncture!

If you test negative for COVID-19 and know you’re suffering from seasonal allergies, acupuncture can help to calm histamine reactions, restore healthy blood flow, and reduce inflammation. This can improve your allergy symptoms significantly. So call or click here to book an appointment, today!