Acupuncture and Herbs has Proven to Be Effective

Based upon research carried out in China and released via HealthCMi, research has proven that acupuncture and herbs, when combined, are quite powerful in the fight against COVID-19.

The Beijing Health Commission reported that 87% of COVID-19 patients in Beijing received traditional Chinese medicine treatment (acupuncture and herbs), and documented that the total effective rate for patients receiving TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) treatment is 92%.

The report also stated, “The spokesperson added that there are many similar cases and that Chinese medicine has “played an active role in improving the cure rate and reducing the mortality rate.”

Acupuncture and Herbs has Proven to Be Effective

For more on these findings, find the whole study report here.

While we can not treat ill or presumed ill patients at our facilities, it is extremely reaffirming and comforting to know that traditional Chinese medicine, once again, is helping those who need it the most.

Acupuncture is an extremely powerful health and wellness tool and we are so proud to provide it within our community.

Stay healthy and stay well.