Acupuncture and Migranes

Anyone who has ever suffered from migraines knows how debilitating they can be. They can last anywhere from a few hours to a multiple days, and often bring along other symptoms like nausea and vomiting. While stress and diet are believed to potentially contribute to migraines, part of the frustration surrounding them is that the cause can be different in each patient, making them extremely difficult to prevent. And chronic migraines can lead to further issues like anxiety and depression.  Thankfully, there is one treatment that seems to be making a difference.

Florida-based, licensed acupuncturist Renee Sarra has been treating migraine sufferers with acupuncture. The treatment can be effective by managing the changes in the brain that migraines bring on. By doing a full body structure assessment, Sarra tries to identify what is bringing the migraines on, then treating through specific acupuncture points. In conjunction with massage therapy, Sarra says acupuncture helps patients relax. As she puts it, she’s trying to “get this fire, this energy out of the head.”

Recently, research conducted at the 254th Hospital in China seems to back up the effectiveness of acupuncture for not only treating migraines, but potentially preventing them. The study tested 120 total migraine patients between the aged of 18 and 70 who were divided into four groups. One group was treated with electroacupuncture in the projection zone, another was treated with conventional acupuncture applied to eight specific points.

Both groups were treated once per day over the course of 10 days, and in both groups, the treatment was successful when compared to the other groups (non-acupoint group and drug group). The Projection Zone group saw an effective rate of 93.3%, while the conventional acupuncture treatment saw an 86.7% success rate.

If you or someone you know suffers from chronic migraines and hasn’t yet tried acupuncture, a migraine-free future may be just a treatment away.


Can Acupuncture Help Asthma?

Approximately 8.4% of children and 7.6% of U.S. adults suffer from bronchial asthma, more commonly known as asthma. Common treatments for this disruptive and concerning breathing disorder include prescription medicine—often administered through an inhaler.  However, while many of these treatments for bronchial asthma help the symptoms, they aren’t too effective at attacking and healing the root causes. Those who suffer from the disorder may thankfully get a temporarily reprieve from symptoms, but those symptoms are likely to return. When it comes to something like asthma, every attack is one too many.  


However, a potential breakthrough in treatment appears to be on the horizon: acupuncture.

The China Academy of TCM recently performed a number of studies to see how effective  acupuncture and other holistic treatments can be in treatment of bronchial asthma. One study consisted of a comprehensive acupuncture regiment on 111 patients. Needles were retained for 20 minutes on a daily basis at the outset, with treatment ramping down to every other day as symptoms subsided. Of the patients, 48 underwent a positive change, 61 saw significant improvement, and 2 saw no change—an impressive 98% effective rate.

Further studies were done using moxibustion as well. Moxibustion was administered to a specific acupuncture point, and then moxibustion paste was applied to the point every day until the initial moxibustion scar was healed. This study of 299 patients yielded a 70.6% success rate—57 experienced a positive effect, and 124 saw a significant improvement.

How might these treatments help curb symptoms of asthma and have long-lasting effects?? Acupuncture allows relaxation of the muscles, relieving spasms that can cause asthmatic attacked. This increases ventilation, allowing the patient to breathe more safely and naturally.

If you or anyone you know suffers from bronchial asthma, acupuncture and moxibustion may be the next crucial steps to take.


Acupuncture in the Age of the Opioid Crisis

Dealing with any type of pain can be frustrating. When pain is chronic, it becomes more than simply frustrating, but life-changing.

When in pain, many people’s first instinct is to go for medication. Pharmaceutical companies have created a number of medications meant to lessen pain. However, many of these medications, particularly opioids, have proven to be very harmful to the people who take them because of their addictive properties. The National Institute on Drug Abuse estimates that 90 people in the United States die from overdosing on opioids each day.


When Brandy Golden of Columbus, Ohio had two daughters who both were suffering from amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrome, luckily acupuncture was there to help. Thankfully the nearby Nationwide Children’s Hospital’s Comprehensive Pain Management Clinic treated 13-year-old Gloria and 11-year-old grace without prescribing any medications.

Sharon Wrona, the administrative director of the clinic, says: “I think in the pediatric arena for chronic pain, we’ve always been more about minimizing medications and maximizing [treatments] like acupuncture.”

One of the roadblocks to acupuncture becoming more readily available for children and adults alike in the U.S. is insurance. Many insurance carriers didn’t cover acupuncture, leaving patients fewer, more dangerous options to treat their pain. As we learn more and more about the serious state of the opioid crisis and the harmful potential these drugs can have, availability of acupuncture is becoming more widespread.

In the fall of 2017, the National Association of Attorneys General sent a letter to America’s Health Insurance Plans urging insurers to prioritize coverage of non-opioid pain treatments like acupuncture. In response, Ohio’s Medicaid program in 2018 will start covering acupuncture treatments for certain types of pain, and hopefully will be expanding it to a larger range of pain management treatments. Let’s hope that more and more carriers follow in these footsteps.

Acupuncture is something that all people should know about as one of the safest, most effective pain management treatments. If you know anyone dealing with chronic pain, be sure to recommend a holistic treatment, especially if the alternative is a pain medication.



Why You Should Incorporate Acupuncture into Your Self Care Routines

Whether improving your self-care efforts are part of your New Year’s Resolutions, or you’re only beginning to recognize the importance of “me” time, acupuncture is worthy of incorporating in to  your self-care routines. After all, if you don’t take care of yourself, who will?


Self-care is more than just taking time out for yourself. It involves recognizing your needs, both met and unmet, and taking care of them – both mentally and physically. Whether you’re looking to improve a physical ailment, your overall health, mental health or appearance, acupuncture is a fantastic, affordable, and non-invasive practice to incorporate into your efforts.

In an article on Acupuncture Together,  it explains that acupuncture can be used as both reactive and preventive treatment, and that, “Some self-care is preventive (eating a balanced diet; regular exercise; getting enough sleep) and some is responsive (getting extra rest when you’re sick).

It’s also important to change your thinking of self-care, and challenge any negativity that may come with it. Instead of thinking that making yourself a priority is selfish or unnecessary, an article from Still Point Acupuncture elaborates, “self-care may be the most generous, responsible and compassionate choice we can make. It allows us to not only take care of ourselves, but also ensures that we have the physical and emotional resources to share our talents and gifts with others.  It allows us to be physically and emotionally present for the people in our lives.”

The article goes on to suggest the following ways to practice positive self-care, in addition to acupuncture services:

  • Get a massage
  • Take time to meditate
  • Stay hydrated
  • Make getting to bed on time a priority
  • Speak kindly to yourself
  • Do something that brings you joy
  • Love your body with healthy food
  • Have lunch with friends




Can Acupuncture Help Improve Your Workouts?

Working out and physical activity is an incredible way to improve your health, tone your body, and increase your overall sense of well-being. When complimented by a healthful diet, it’s even better. Certain vitamins and nutrients can help your body both prepare for, and recover from, a physical workout.

But what about when workouts are complimented by acupuncture? Can acupuncture improve your workouts? It can. Here’s how.


According to a recent post on entitled 5 Ways Acupuncture Can Boost Your Workout, “Whether you’re on a regular schedule at the gym, you play recreational sports, or you simply make it a point to get the 2 ½ hours of moderate physical activity Health Canada says you should get every week, acupuncture can help improve your performance.”

It then outlines five ways that acupuncture can improve the quality of your workouts, and your overall health.

The first, no surprise to us, is that it increases blood flow. The author explains, “Acupuncture stimulates the production of nitric oxide in your body. In turn, nitric oxide helps your blood vessels to relax and opens your arteries. Not only will you have more oxygen and nutrients being delivered to your muscles and joints, you’ll enjoy better overall circulation.”

The second benefit?  The promotion of homeostasis, which can, “boost in muscle function, biomechanics and balance” and ensures your system is running properly.

Next up, injury prevention. If your body is running optimally, the likelihood for injury is reduce.

Fourth, most gym junkies know the importance of rest, recovery and stretching. Since acupuncture can help aid in sleep, relaxation and production of feel-good neurotransmitters and hormones, you’ll be able to make the most of your down time and rest-days physiologically, and mentally.

Lastly, the article explains that the psychological benefits of acupuncture can also improve your workouts indirectly. It explains, “The best workouts come from a mind/body balance. If you’re mentally fatigued, depressed or anxious, it can dull your workout focus and energy and affect your performance and results. In addition to helping balance all your physical systems, acupuncture can do the same for mental systems too. The release of endorphins helps promote a more positive outlook, and the balance in energy helps to relieve stress”

If you’re looking for a sixth reason, how about – acupuncture is simply great and can help in most areas, not just workouts and physical activity. So, why not give it a try.



Can Acupuncture Help Animals Live Longer Lives?

Traffic the cat once made the daredevil choice to jump out of a car going 65 miles per hour and lived to tell about it. There’s no question that Traffic has gotten the most out of his 19 years on earth, perhaps even using up some of his 9 lives in the process. But those years have taken their toll.

An article recently posted by K5 news entitled, "Animals Living Longer Lives Through Acupuncture," introduced us to Traffic, who a few years ago, was diagnosed with a high level of liver enzymes, among other health issues. The Bradic family sought many treatments for Traffic, including steroids, but nothing seemed to work.

That’s where Darla Rewers stepped in. The Bradics brought Traffic to the Fremont, WA based veterinarian, who runs the Ancient Art Holistic Veterinary Service center where, among other holistic treatments, Rewers specializes in animal acupuncture.

"It's really minimally invasive. There's these little tiny needles that can really affect a lot of change,” Rewers told King5 News.

"The acupuncture points actually communicate with the main part of the nervous system. And all those nerve endings connect and communicate so that the body can restore, repair, remodel and rebuild."

A few weeks ago we talked about the positive impacts acupuncture treatments had on an arthritic giraffe, and Rewers has used acupuncture on all sorts of animals, from dogs to cats and even birds, with successful results. How did the treatments work for Traffic the cat? The Bradics say that after 3 treatments, Traffic’s liver enzymes reduced from a count of 850 to 200. The family also said that Traffic has regained his healthy look and playful nature, and continues to receive regular acupuncture three years from the initial treatment.

There are many times in our lives where physical and mental stress can zap us from our own healthy and playful natures. Like Traffic the cat, acupuncture can often be the key to unlocking a pain-free and overall healthier life. While we won’t recommend leaping out of a speeding car any time soon, we can say with confidence that acupuncture will benefit you just as it did Traffic.


Acupuncture Use in the Military


The Fort Hood Sentinel recently ran an article entitled, “Ancient Chinese Technique Enhances Modern Medicine.” The ancient technique they’re talking about? Acupuncture, of course.

In the article, retired Air Force Col. Arnyce Pock, a board-certified Internist, advocates for the procedure, particularly for pain relief. The article states, “Pock said acupuncture offers pain relief without the costs, potential side effects and addiction and dependency issues associated with opioids, which act on the nervous system to relieve pain.”

While it explains that the medical field still doesn’t have a clear or scientific reasoning of how it works, acupuncture can work in single, or consecutive treatments.

Pock adds, “but it can be highly effective in treating a wide range of conditions,” including symptoms associated with traumatic brain injuries, such as depression, anxiety, insomnia and headaches,” which are unfortunately common struggles of military veterans.

Retired Air Force Col. Ricard Niemtzow, is cited in the article as developing a technique known as “battlefield acupuncture” also known as BFA. Within the process of BFA, needles are placed at specific accupoints along the ear, and stay secure there for two – four days. This practice aims to release pain continuously with little interruption to daily routines and responsibilities.

In fact, BFA is now taught to a variety of health care providers through the Department of Defense and Veterans Health Administration (VHA). Additionally, according to the article, “Acupuncture is available in more than 80 military treatment facilities overseas and stateside,” a great achievement for the minimally invasive treatment that is full of health benefits.

The article also quotes a third source, Army Col. Jason Wieman, hospital director at Fort Belvoir and family medicine physician trained in acupuncture as saying, “‘Acupuncture really works,’ he said. ‘I treat an average of a dozen patients per week with acupuncture, and I’ve used it personally. It’s a great tool for pain relief, and a great asset for our providers to have at their disposal.’


Woman Shares How Acupuncture Cleared Her Acne

Unless you’ve experienced it first hand,  it’s hard to understand how frustrating, painful, and upsetting acne can be. Whether you struggle with painful cystic acne, hormonal breakouts, unsightly patches of inflammation or anything in between, thankfully acupuncture can help.

Over on, author Chelsea Taber Burns opened up about how her experience with acupuncture completely cleared her acne, even after having tried the harsh and potentially dangerous drug Accutane, and “every new zit-zapping product that comes across my desk.”

Originally skeptical, she booked an appointment with a certified acupuncturist specializing in cosmetic acupuncture in New York City. Even though she’d describes herself as being terrified of needles, she decided to give it a go.

After her first treatment she describes, “After assessing my face in the mirror at home, it definitely looked fresh, bouncy, and dewy. Elana had told me it can take a few treatments before you start seeing serious skin-clearing results (I have!), but because the pins get your blood flowing, you immediately leave with a youthful flush.”

For Chelsea, facial acupuncture used in conjunction with lasers and products form a sensitive skin line have helped her, “each peak glowy, pimple-free skin potential—the kind of skin I’ve been dreaming about my whole life.”

So exactly how does acupuncture help your skin? A holistic way to help fight skin irritation, infection and inflammation, acupuncture treatment can help ensure your energies are flowing, and thereby nutrients are flowing, too. It can also help to restore any hormonal imbalances that might be responsible for skin impurities.

In contract to topical treatments, acupuncture is a minimally invasive way to try to fight the acne and blemishes from the inside, out. Much like how food is used for medicinal purposes, as well as ingested medications.


Can Acupuncture and Herbs Help with Kidney Stones?

In a post this month on entitled, Acupuncture and Herb Force Expulsion of Kidney Stones, the role of acupuncture and herbal medicine combined in expelling kidney stones is explored.

The article explains that researchers at Jiangxi Jiujiang Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine recently made two important findings, that one – a combination of herbs and Flomax (a prescription drug) “enable the passage of kidney stones.” And second, that, “adding acupuncture to the herbal medicine and drug protocol significantly increases positive patient outcome rates.”

The author cites a study in which 106 patients with ureteric calculi, a type of kidney stone, were randomly divided into two groups, one that received abdominal acupuncture and drugs, and the other that received drugs and herbal medicine. While a control group received only herbs and drug therapy, the treatment group received acupuncture, herbs and drug therapy,” for two weeks.

The results? The group that received acupuncture had a total effective rate of 88.7, while the group receiving only the herbs and drugs had an effective rate of 73.6.

The article cites that the researchers noted, “‘While effective, the downside of the medication is that it is slow to act, with many adverse effects, higher medical costs and even drug dependence. By comparison, acupuncture is instant, sustainable, green, and convenient.’ The research team concludes that acupuncture significantly increases the positive patient outcome rates for patient taking medications with herbs.

With strategically placed acupuncture treatment, patients may also feel relief from the pain associated with kidney stones, too. Restoring the flow of qi and as a result, blood flow, acupuncture helps to promote healing and reduce inflammation.

The article concludes, “Research now confirms that acupuncture and herbal medicine play an important role in the alleviation or elimination of endogenous and exogenous disorders, including kidney and urination bladder disorders. Based on the data, integration of acupuncture and herbal medicine into standard protocols of care improves patient outcomes and best serves the needs of individuals and communities.”

Acupuncture Being Used in the Treatment of Pain from Breast Cancer

According to a recent post from Time Magazine entitled, ‘Here’s a Promising Way to Treat Pain in Breast Cancer Treatment,” the power of acupuncture is now being used to reduce drug-related joint pain in patients.

Through the course of breast cancer treatments, the article explains that many patients are often prescribed medications called aromatase inhibitors, which protect against the disease recurring, and can come with difficult to manage side effects including terrible joint pain. But according to research, acupuncture might have the ability to help reduce the pain and make taking the medications more manageable.

The article goes on to explain that one of the remaining on the aromatase inhibitors is important in preventing the disease from going back and yet, according to Dr. Dawn Hershman, professor of medicine and epidemiology at Columbia University and vice chair of SWOG, ““But we know that they don’t work if people don’t take them, and we know the most common people don’t take them is because they develop side effects.”

A study conducted by Hershman and her colleagues examined 226 patients with early stage breast cancer who were divided in to three groups and over 3 months one group received true acupuncture treatment, one “sham” or superficial treatment, and the third group receiving no treatment at all.

Halfway through the study, 58% of the women in the group receiving the true acupuncture reported at least a 50% reduction in their pain levels. Furthermore, twelve weeks after the treatments had stopped, the differences between those that received true acupuncture and those who did not “remained significant.”

This promising result provides hope to patients struggling with pain as a side effect to the potentially life-saving medications, and increase the likelihood they remain on them. The study explains, “Hershman says the findings should give patients and doctors confidence that acupuncture may provide some benefit to women experiencing joint pain due to aromatase inhibitors.”

Acupuncture has long been an alternative treatment method to chronic pain, and as the article supports, “A growing body of evidence suggests that acupuncture may be effective at reducing pain from a variety of sources, and in a variety of populations.”

It continues, “Experts don’t know exactly how it works, but one suggestion is that it may trigger the release of the brain’s natural painkilling chemicals, says Hershman.”


Overindulge Over the Holidays? We’re Here to Help

Holidays are filled with fun, family, and food. If you’re now finding yourself feeling a bit bloated, exhausted, sluggish, or are even seeing the scale creep up a bit higher than usual, you’re not alone. We can help.

If you’re looking to lose a few unwanted inches or pounds, try our unique trademarked treatment, AcuSculptÔ. Combining acupuncture and massage, it can help you get back to your pre-holiday bod in no time.

A natural, alternative therapy to help in your weight loss efforts, the system was designed by NJ Acupuncture Center’s owner and main acupuncturist Ani Baran L.AC, AcuSculptÔ It’s scientifically targeted and aims to slim and tone using acupuncture immediately followed by a firm pressured massage.

First, acupuncture needles are strategically placed first within predetermined weightloss meridians as they work to stabilize qi, facilitate energy flow, and reduce leptin. Next, electro-acupuncture is used, as micrucurrent stimulation is sent between pairs of needles which targets releasing of accumulated or difficult to target qui.

Next, it's time for the massage.  Instead of a traditional massage, a firm and stimulating massage is performed and helps to release retained gas, fluid and bloat in the abdomen area and the thighs.

When performed over time, it AcuSculptÔ will stimulate metabolism, regulate your bowels and help fight against fluid retention, bloating and gas.  Of course, it’s not a quick-fix, and should be used consistently while being supplemented by a moderate and healthful diet.

You’ll be weight at the beginning of the treatment cycle, as your progress and weight loss will be monitored.

SO if you’ve found that you’ve had one (or ten) too many Christmas cookies or cocktails and are feeling more like Santa and less like Vixen, have no fear. AcuSculptÔ is here.


Let Acupuncture Help You Achieve Your New Years Resolutions!

Happy New Year!

Can you believe it, another year has come and gone, and now we begin to make our marks and enjoy fresh starts in the year 2018.



Whether you’ve made a few resolutions, one big one, or are simply looking for more positive changes to incorporate in to your life, you’ve come to the right place. In fact, the ancient art of acupuncture can help you on your journey towards many of the most popular resolutions. Here’s how.

 Weight Loss

Acupuncture sessions can help promote a better overall sense of well-being, thus reducing the desire to eat and/or overeat out of anxiety or depression. With reduced cravings and increased endorphins, you’ll be able to make smarter choices and lessen the likelihood of overindulgent snacks.

Better Skin

Acupuncture has been said to help with acne as well as in combating signs of aging. By utilizing specific facial acupuncture points, it can help to increase blood flow, help with hormonal imbalances that may be causing breakouts, and more.

Better Sleep

Acupuncture works to unblock any blocked or stagnant qi, or energy in the body that may be latent. It can also help to increase natural night time melatonin levels that will help you to fall asleep, and stay asleep. By calming the mind and easing any chronic pain, it essentially calms the body to be better prepared for slumber, too.

More Time Unplugged

As we are more connected now than ever before (think about it, how are you reading this blog?) everyone can benefit from more time spent disconnected – resolution or not. A quality acupuncture session will provide you with at least 20 minutes of relaxation and privacy, allowing you to rest your thoughts, meditate, manifest your intentions and desires, or overall just relax.

Goodbye, Zits - Acupuncture for Acne

If you’ve ever struggled with Acne, you know that you’ll do anything to remedy it. From expensive treatments, facials, creams, lotions, and even pills – there are tons of options out there that promise cleaner, smoother skin. If you’re still struggling, there is growing evidence that perhaps acupuncture might be able to help. Here’s how.

According to a post found within, acupuncturists believe that acne is a result of an imbalance of chi, like many other ailments and diseases. By removing the original cause of the imbalance and restoring property flow, acne can improve.

The article states that many studies have shown the following results:

·       It reduces acne inflammation by releasing vascular and immunomodulatory factors.

·       It enhances natural killer cell activities

·       It increases local microcirculation to disperse swelling

·       Reduction of inflammatory lesions

·       Overall improvement in the complexion

While the specific points used for treatments may vary depending on your skins individual needs, the article also specifically describes some of the more popular acne acupuncture points:

·       Heavenly Pillar points-  located half an inch beneath the skull on backside of the neck

·       Sea of vitality–located 2 -3 inches above the buttocks on the sides of the spine on the lower back.

·       Third eye point– located between the brows on the forehead.

·       4 Whites–located beneath the eyes: on the cheeks and half an inch beneath the lower ridge of the eyes.

·       Facial beauty– beneath the 4 Whites points on the center of the cheeks and bottom of the cheekbones.

·       Heavenly appearance– These points for acupuncture acne treatment lie below the earlobe and behind the jawbone

In addition to acupuncture, dietary changes can also have a large impact on success. Often times patients find that eliminating dairy, refined sugars, and other inflammatory or irritating foods can have a significant improvement on their complexion, too.


Where Science & Acupuncture Merge

By now you’ve probably heard about the endless benefits of acupuncture, and how sticking tiny acu-needles in specific points throughout the body can help combat or treat a slew of both physical and mental ailments. But have you ever thought about how, exactly, it works on the body?


In a previous post, we explained the concept of qi, energy that flows through the body. Acupuncture can help restore the flow and rid any qi that is stagnant or stuck – thus helping relieve tons of health complaints from anxiety to pain, depression to trouble sleeping, and much more.

But beyond that, what are the biological theories behind the practice?

First, where the needles are inserted are incredibly important.  In a recent article on entitled “The Science Behind Acupuncture and How it Really Works,” it explains that, “researchers have found acu-points are packed full of neurovascular structures, which means that inserting a small sterile needle into a specific point in your leg actually can trigger a reaction in your eye,” an thus supporting the ancient notion of physical meridians within the body.  

In regard to traditional medicine versus modern medicine, many agree that the merger of idea and supports is finally happening, The article states, “For a long time, acupuncture was the weird thing mainstream medicine gave the side-eye, but deep study of why it works and where it works best has formed a link between the traditional and the contemporary.”

One such example of modern and traditional medicine working together? The use of acupuncture treatment to support in vitro fertilization, or IVF. The post refers to a study from 2012 in which researchers found that using key points throughout the IVD process acupuncture can not only improve clinical pregnancy rates, but also live birth rates, too.  While the science behind IVF is undoubtedly modern, the support acupuncture provides is holistic and traditional. Chris Chen, a licensed acupuncturist, is quoted as saying, “Even if acupuncture cannot be used to plant the seeds, it can be used to create strong soil.” The strong soil he is referring to, can include all the fertility benefits provided by acupuncture that can include an increase in blood flow and nutrients, improvement in digestion, sleep/rest and calming the mind.

Copy of Four Reasons Why Acupuncture Makes a Great Gift

As the holiday season is now in full swings, we find ourselves caught up in  the hustle and bustle and, let’s face it, the stress that accompanies it all can be a bit overwhelming.  Between cooking, baking, cleaning, shopping, and tackling your gift list there’s little downtime, which is much needed for our well-being. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.

Let acupuncture can help, and help you conquer the gift-giving game, too. Here are four reasons why acupuncture makes a great gift for both yourself, and anyone on your list.

1.     It’s the Gift of Self Care

Clothing can fade, gift certificates expire and technology is consistently being improved upon, but the one thing that nobody can take away from you is your health and well-being- which is his is exactly what acupuncture can help to improve.

2.     It’s Thoughtful

Has someone on your list been talking about how they’ve wanted to try acupuncture? It’s a no brainer. If someone has been opening up about sleep, anxiety or depression issues, it’s also a really thoughtful way to help them get back to feeling themselves. Just be sure they’d be open to the treatment prior to gifting, so it doesn’t go to waste.

3.     It’s A Time Out

Relaxation is incredibly important to prevent burnout and a slew of other unpleasant side effects. If someone you know is constantly on the go, gifting them the gift of acupuncture is a forced “time out” of sorts, which is often sorely needed and happily welcomed. Even a short 20-minute session with the lights out and phones away could be all someone needs to recharge and re-center, ready to tackle the new year head on.

4.     It's Risk Free

Unlike popular massage club memberships or treatments that come with complicated stipulations, gifting an acupuncture gift card or session comes with no strings attached and no risks involved - just like the procedure itself! While you hope the recipient loves it as much as we do, theres no pressure on them to return or "buy in" to any gimmicks or deals. An extra perk? Even one session of acupuncture can yield results. It's a win/win.

Acupuncture and Endometriosis

Endometriosis has been in the news more and more lately, since celebrities including Lena Dunham, Julianne Hough and Padma Lakshmi are speaking out as both patients and advocates of the awareness of the disease.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), “Endometriosis is a problem affecting a woman's uterus—the place where a baby grows when a woman is pregnant. Endometriosis is when the kind of tissue that normally lines the uterus grows somewhere else. It can grow on the ovaries, behind the uterus, on the bowels, or on the bladder. Rarely, it grows in other parts of the body.”

The painful and potentially debilitating disease can cause, “pain, infertility, and very heavy periods. The pain is usually in the abdomen, lower back, or pelvic areas. Some women have no symptoms at all, and having trouble getting pregnant may be the first sign they have endometriosis.”

Thankfully, acupuncture might be able to help!

Helpful for both chronic pain and other conditions, a recent article from Health CMI entitled “Acupuncture Beats Drug for Endometriosis Relief” explains that researchers have found that acupuncture is more effective than hormone drug  replacement therapy in treating endometriosis and its symptoms.

In the study, “Researchers at Tongji University hospital compared acupuncture with standard drug therapy. Patients receiving acupuncture achieved a 92.0% total effective rate. Patients receiving mifepristone achieved a 52.0% total effective rate.” Essentially acupuncture worked better at reducing pain levels as reported by the patients. 

The study outlined the following acupoints as being the locations of interest: CV6 (Quihai), CV4 (Guanyuan), CV3 (Zhongji), Zigong (Extra), SP10 (Xuehai), SP6 (Sanyinjiao), LV2 (Xingjian) and LV3 (taichong.)

If you are currently being treated for endometriosis, acupuncture is certainly work considering in regard to a pain management plan. It can help to reduce the intensity of pain and cramps, as well as promoting a better sense of overall wellbeing.


Four Reasons Why Acupuncture Makes a Great Gift

As the holiday season is now in full swings, we find ourselves caught up in  the hustle and bustle and, let’s face it, the stress that accompanies it all can be a bit overwhelming.  Between cooking, baking, cleaning, shopping, and tackling your gift list there’s little downtime, which is much needed for our well-being. If you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone.

Let acupuncture can help, and help you conquer the gift-giving game, too. Here are four reasons why acupuncture makes a great gift for both yourself, and anyone on your list.


1.     It’s the Gift of Self Care

Clothing can fade, gift certificates expire and technology is consistently being improved upon, but the one thing that nobody can take away from you is your health and well-being- which is his is exactly what acupuncture can help to improve.

2.     It’s Thoughtful

Has someone on your list been talking about how they’ve wanted to try acupuncture? It’s a no brainer. If someone has been opening up about sleep, anxiety or depression issues, it’s also a really thoughtful way to help them get back to feeling themselves. Just be sure they’d be open to the treatment prior to gifting, so it doesn’t go to waste.

3.     It’s A Time Out

Relaxation is incredibly important to prevent burnout and a slew of other unpleasant side effects. If someone you know is constantly on the go, gifting them the gift of acupuncture is a forced “time out” of sorts, which is often sorely needed and happily welcomed. Even a short 20-minute session with the lights out and phones away could be all someone needs to recharge and re-center, ready to tackle the new year head on.

4. It's Risk Free

Unlike popular massage club memberships or treatments that come with complicated stipulations, gifting an acupuncture gift card or session comes with no strings attached and no risks involved - just like the procedure itself! While you hope the recipient loves it as much as we do, theres no pressure on them to return or "buy in" to any gimmicks or deals. An extra perk? Even one session of acupuncture can yield results. It's a win/win.

Acupuncture vs. Acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure are two different practices that sound similar, and yield somewhat similar results. Yet, it’s important to note the similarities and differences within the two healing practices.

Both practices are rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, yet one involves manipulation of trigger points by hand (acupressure) while the other requires slim needles to be inserted at specific meridian points (acupuncture.) Still confused? Think “pressure” meaning to push on, and “puncture” meaning to puncture with a needle.

According to this article by Livestrong, “Acupuncture and acupressure fall under the classification of traditional Chinese medicine or TCM which also employs the use of diet, herbs and mind body techniques, states the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. TCM views the body as an energetic entity that is balanced by two opposing forces called Yin and Yang. It also believes that good health depends on the flow of qi through pathways called meridians. Practitioners of this method aim to restore the flow of qi and the balance of Yin and Yang to improve spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health.”


With acupuncture, needles are inserted at specific point in body meridians encouraging the flow of qi to be repaired, restored, or improved. Using the slim, tiny needles, they are inserted and left in the specific points for a designated period of time (typically 15-20 minutes) to maximize the therapeutic effect.


Acupressure is, in theory, acupuncture but without any needles. The same guiding principles and philosophies are applied, but with pressure by pressing on targeted points along the body. It is not advised you practice acupressure on yourself, as a trained therapist should perform the treatment on you. Over time, you may be able to pick up on self-treatment methods, but it is best to leave it to the professionals.

What Your Tongue Can Tell You About Your Health

Anyone who has ever been to the center, or to any acupuncture or Ayurvedic practitioner in general has probably been asked to stick out their tongue. No, they weren’t joking or being silly – in fact, it’s a serious question. A little-known fact is that your tongue can tell quite a bit about your health.



In fact, the texture, color and overall appearance of your tongue can give a professional insight into the state of your overall well-being.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, there are different meanings for different appearances. If your tongue has a white coating or white spots, for example, it could be a sign of oral thrush (a yeast infection), leukoplakia (when mouth skin cells grow excessively) or oral lichen planus (white lines on your tongue.) On the contrary, if the tongue has a redder appearance, it could signify a vitamin deficiency, Scarlet Fever or Kawasaki disease.

It doesn’t end there.

Sores or bumps can typically show if you smoke, have canker sores, or trauma, too. What else?

According to Ayurveda, the tongue is a strong diagnostic tool with connecting organs. states, “The ancient art of tongue diagnosis also describes quite characteristic patterns that can reveal the functional status of respective internal organs merely by observing the surface of the tongue.” For example, the front 1/3rd of the tongue relates to the lungs, heart, chest and neck, so any anomalies found in that subsection is cause for concern in the related body parts. 

Because of these beliefs, keeping your tongue healthy is extremely important. One of the best ways? Tongue scraping. Yep – tongue scarping. The ancient practice suggests using a special scraper (or spoon) to remove the coating, revealing a cleaner and healthier tongue.

We bet you’ll never look at sticking out your tongue the same.

Got PMS? Try Acupuncture

Many women know it all too well: the cyclical bloating, breakouts, cravings and yes, mood swings that strike right around the time your monthly period is due. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, or PMS for short, is a series of symptoms women feel due to the strong hormone fluctuations they experience with their menses.

According to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, “Several million women report painful periods, cramps, and PMS that can disrupt life for 7-10 days each month,” with common symptoms include and ranging from bloating, headache, acne, and irritability or severe mood swings.

To help ease these symptoms, a healthful diet, exercise, medicinal herbs, and acupuncture are recommended as they, “can all be used to better regulate these hormonal fluctuations.”

As a form of natural relief, the article explains that, “Practitioners of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) analyze the flow of energy, or qi, and blood in each patient as a means of identifying imbalances that are to blame for their diseases or medical conditions. Cramping associated with the menstrual cycle or menopause is often due to the stagnation of qi.” Additionally, a deficiency in quality qi or blood flow can also lead to chronic pain.

The most common acupuncture point for PMS is along the liver meridian, or Liver Qi, which is believed to be integral to the overall flow of energy, life force, through the body. By stimulating this point, stagnant blood can be combated, which can ultimately lead to pain relief and restoration of balance.  

The Pacific College of Oriental Medicine states, “While the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists has no official stance on the efficacy of acupuncture on PMS, many of the professional members recognize that acupuncture helps to regulate our endorphins and other biochemistry.”

In other words, it quite literally can’t hurt to give acupuncture a try in an effort to help combat when PMS rears its ugly head.