Evidence of Primitive Acupuncture

History buffs and acupuncture aficionados — you’re going to love this.


According to LiveScience.com, Otzi the Iceman (if you’re not familiar, he’s the incredibly preserved Tyrolean Iceman mummy of a man who met his death via murder 5,300 years ago. He was found in 1991 in the Alps of Italy and has been thoroughly studied by science ever since) just may have undergone acupuncture.

How cool is that?

While we have long known acupuncture has been around for quite some time, having actual evidence that demonstrates the possibility of the treatment being used on Otzi is quite fascinating.

After carful study of his anatomy, researchers discovered that he was covered in tattoos — 61 to be exact. Simple in design, mostly strips and two crosses, they weren’t exactly decorative or artistic which led researchers to conclude they were possibly medical treatment.

Albert Zink, head of the Eurac Research Institute for Mummy Studies in Bolzano, Italy said, "The tattoos are all located at body regions where the iceman had some health issues and probably experienced periods of pain. For example, he had degenerative diseases of his hip, knee, ankle joints and lower back. Most of the tattoos are located [on] the legs and the lower back," Zink said.

Furthermore, some of the tattoos correspond. Directly to traditional acupuncture points, which Zink says suggests to some researchers, “that the iceman underwent some form of acupuncture.”

This seems to challenge. The notion that acupuncture first began in China about 2,200 years ago — with Zink acknowledging it could have earlier routes in Europe.

Regardless of whether acupuncture was actually used on Otzi, there is strong enough evidence to conclude that even 5,000+ years ago, people were practicing medicine, holistic treatment, and pain management

For more information on this discovery, you can read the full journal article from the International Journal of Paleopathology, here.

5 Busted Myths About Acupuncture


While acupuncture has been utilized in eastern medicine for centuries, the practice is still relatively new in the United States. Human beings are, understandably, often slow to adapt to change, and we look at new things with a skeptical eye. That goes doubly for anything involving medicine and our health. Why try something new when it involves our body and our health?  

But acupuncture has finally started to gain popularity here as a safe, effective and lasting treatment for a variety of disorders and the pain and discomfort associated with them. Still, some inaccurate myths surrounding acupuncture are out there. It’s important that everyone knows what’s true and what’s not about acupuncture so they can make their own informed decisions about whether or not acupuncture is right for them. Here are 5 of the most popular but inaccurate thoughts about acupuncture:

1 – Acupuncture is expensive

Firstly, many states are beginning to offer acupuncture as part of their medicare plans, and more and more private insurers are coming around to covering the treatment in various plans. Regardless, even if you pay out of pocket, acupuncture is affordable, especially in contrast to the other visits, treatments and drugs people use to treat their pain otherwise.

2 – Acupuncture hurts

It’s understandable that some people think needles equals pain. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. Acupuncture needles are very thin, resulting in a calming sensation. Many patients are so relaxed they fall asleep during treatment.

3 – Acupuncture is nothing but a placebo

Acupuncture has been scientifically proven to alleviate pain, through redistributing and restoring the energy in the body, targeted to the specific parts of the body based on the patient’s needs. It is simply not a faux pain treatment.  

4 – Acupuncture is addicting

Acupuncture is not addicting, and ironically, acupuncture is also an effective treatment for addition itself. Although some patients depending on their treatment may need a few sessions before they see results, that doesn’t mean that there are any addictive properties inherent to acupuncture.  

5 – Acupuncture is a miracle treatment

We extoll the virtues and plentiful benefits of acupuncture, its ability to treat pain and other ailments holistically and lastingly. But it is not a magic cure-all. It’s important to remember that while we encourage everyone to seek out acupuncture for their pain management needs, acupuncture is just one important piece of the puzzle that makes up a healthy lifestyle.

Skin Problems? Go Under the Surface

It may only be the very beginnings of fall, but it’s never too early to prepare for the harsh winter months.


For many people, the return of cold temperatures brings about some negatives s to go along with the holidays, hot cocoa and building snowmen—dry skin. Whether its on your face, hands, feet, or really anywhere, dry skin can be one of the most irritating ailments to deal with. And for some, it can affect them year round, and lead to painful cracks and bleeding.

Most people think of dealing with dry skin and other skin conditions with expensive and chemical-laden creams and serums. For some these medications may work, but there is another, more natural way to heal dry and affected skin: acupuncture.

Our skin is actually the biggest organ in our body. If something is wrong with our skin on the outside, that means that something needs fixing on the inside.  So it only makes perfect sense that acupuncture is a proven remedy for a number of skin ailments and general skin dryness.  

Skin conditions are a result of internal imbalances between Qi, blood flow, yin, yang, and blockages of different energy pathways within the body. When those pathways are opened up and the energy of the body is allowed to balance, our skin operates in a much healthier way.

Diana Hermann, a board-certified, Colorado-based acupuncturist explains further why acupuncture is a viable solution for many skin conditions: “Acupuncture clears heat from the lungs and stomach to reduce flushing and heat rising to the face,” Hermann explains, adding that a pooling of heat in the face and head inhibits proper circulation throughout the rest of the body.”

Whether you suffer from general dry skin or other more intense disorders like rosacea, eczema, acne, etc. acupuncture is here to help you look and feel revitalized, and refreshed.  


All About Equine Acupuncture

We’ve previously covered the benefits of acupuncture for both humans AND animals — further proving the efficacy, importance and versatility of acupuncture treatment. And while it’s becoming more widespread within the animal kingdom, perhaps the most success so far can be seen within the horse population.


As a recent article from Ocala.com explains, acupuncture is helping horses to heal, avoid surgeries, lessen pain, and release endorphins.

After practicing acupuncture for 35 years Dr. Huisheng Xie recently opened the Equine Acupuncture Center in Reddick, Florida. It is there that horse owner Lousia Flaig sought treatment for her 14 year old horse Songline, who had previously had surgery for an injured tendon. Unfortunately, the surgery was unsuccessful, and the horse had not been able to return to his prior activities in eventing, and a s a stallion.

Flaig explained, “We were looking for an alternative. He already had surgery once. I feel doing this, we can’t go wrong, and with surgery we can make it worse.”

So, Xie performed acupuncture treatment on Songline, inserting acuneedles along points in the horse’s back and leg, and connected them to electric stim. Perhaps surprisingly or perhaps not for true acupuncture believers, “Within minutes the horses lower lip began to droop, a sign of a relaxed horse.”

Xie explained this as the release of endorphins having a morphine-like effect.

In further support of veterinary acupuncture, recent vet school grad Emily Roth said that throughout her experience with the practice being used on animals, “I really saw very profound results. Predominantly, pain relief in a lot of lameness cases and chronic pain issues. It treats the whole body and helps the body heal itself and ultimately that should be the goal in medicine versus using more invasive techniques.”

Instead of subjecting animals to surgeries that require extensive healing time and further rehabilitation, more and more anecdotal evidence as well as research supports . the notion of trying acupuncture first, or in conjunction with more traditional therapies.

Acupuncture for COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a devastating disease that is caused by inflammation of the lung that results in obstructed airflow. Patients experience difficulty breathing, coughing, mucus and phlegm and wheezing and sadly — the disease is caused my long term exposure to harmful gasses or smoke, most often cigarette smoke.

Unfortunately, more than 11 million Americans have been diagnose with COPD, and according to the American Lung Association, millions more may also have it without knowing.

Thankfully, amidst the suffering most COPD patients explore, a recent study has shown that acupuncture can be an effective treatment that is safe, and has a low risk of any adverse effects.

The First Clinical Medicine College of Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine released results of a controlled clinical trial that compared acupuncture treatment among COPD patients with the use of the drug Seretide – a prescription inhaler.

The study concluded that, “both the drug Seretide and acupuncture monotherapy treatments offer significant benefits for patients suffering from COPD,” with improvements including gains in lung function, reduction in symptoms, and enhanced quality of life overall.

Though it was observed that acupuncture treatments resolved the symptoms more slowly than the Seretide inhaler, it showed improvement nonetheless — and holistically at that.

If you find yourself struggling with any symptoms of COPD, the first step is to consult your physician. They will be able to offer you the appropriate diagnostic tests and a thorough assessment.

 If you are in fact diagnosed, know that acupuncture can help. When used in conjunction with traditional COPD treatments, acupuncture can help you to breathe a bit easier and find more comfort — without any side effects or risks.

New Study Shows Acupuncture Can Help Heal Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is one of the most common conditions ailing adults in the United States. A staggering 54 million among us suffer from osteoporosis, which literally translates to “porous bone”. Osteoporosis occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. This causes the bones to become weak, resulting in chronic pain, or worse. Low bone mass means that breaks can happen very easily, from falls or in serious cases even from something as low-impact as sneezing.


Osteoporosis is a serious condition, with many of the fractures resulting from it occurring in the hip, spine or wrist. In elderly patients, these breaks can result in serious injury or death. 

The unfortunate thing is that osteoporosis cannot be reversed. It can only be treated. Thankfully, clinical trials have been recently done that show acupuncture as an effective treatment for osteoporosis.

The great thing is that acupuncture works two-fold: it is effective at treating the pain associated with osteoporosis, as well as crucially improving bone mineral density. This still does not represent an ability to reverse the effects of osteoporosis, but it is certainly a step in the right direction.

Researchers at First Affiliated Hospital of Chengdu in China conducted a study of 182 participants, all who were suffering from the disease. The study compared acupuncture’s effectiveness at treating osteoporosis with calcium supplementation. Acupuncture treatment was administered supplementing the liver and kidneys and strengthening the spleen. While both methods proved to be effective, the acupuncture group outperformed the calcium supplementation. 77 cases in the acupuncture group registered as very effective, with 5 cases effective and 9 ineffective.

The study measured both pain levels as well as mean bone mineral density—those who received acupuncture reported a decrease in pain level, and their bone density was shown to have increased.

Osteoporosis is one of the most difficult conditions to deal with, one that greatly affects the patient’s quality of life. If you or one you know is suffering from the condition, be sure to tell them that acupuncture can help them on the road to recovery.



Acupuncture and Herbs for Autism?


Diagnoses of disorders along the Autism Spectrum continue to rise throughout the United States, now affecting nearly one in 68 children, according to the CDC. 

As more and more children struggle with the wide range of social, emotional and intellectual struggles that come along with living with Autism, treatment options are seemingly rising to the occasion to help, too. 

While we're well aware of the physical benefits of acupuncture treatment, a recent study from Hebei Province has yielded some promising results — that acupuncture combined with herbal medicine can help children with autism. 

How? According to the study, acupuncture has shown to be able to potentially improve, “communication, language, physical movement and sensory perception.” Additionally, it reports that children whom participated in the study also demonstrated improvements in self-care, another area that some children on the spectrum struggle with.

Within the study, 92 children were randomly assigned to either receive “standard rehabilitation” or treatment that included acupuncture and herbs. With results measured using the ABC Checklist (Autism Behavior Checklist) and the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) both groups showed significant improvements, but the effective rate in the group that received acupuncture was 89.96%, versus 65.22% in those who did not receive the added holistic therapies.

Overall, the conclusion is that the addition of acupuncture and herbs are, “both safe and effective for the treatment of children with autism.”

If your child, or someone you know has been diagnosed on the spectrum, acupuncture may help to provide supports in addition to traditional therapies including speech, physical and occupational therapy, and education.

While acupuncture may not be for every child, it’s worth considering and speaking with providers to find a potential fit for your child’s unique needs.


A Bite of Acupuncture Helps Soothe Tooth Pain


It’s a terrible feeling – you take a sip of a nice cold beverage, and all of a sudden a sharp pain bears down on your tooth. It may mark the beginning of a long tough road dealing with a persistent toothache. While a trip to the dentist is certainly in order, you don’t want to reach for the over-the-counter pain medications in the meantime. Instead, there’s a natural way to effectively and safely treat that nagging tooth pain and restore a happy life of carefree eating and drinking.

Pain is a result of the body’s energy being all out of whack. The meridians that course throughout our body, that tell our brain whether or not we should be feeling pain, are blocked. Acupuncture opens up these channels, allowing the body’s energy to balance out, which relieves pain. Treating a toothache is no different than any other pain. When our tooth hurts, the meridians that lead to the mouth are acting up and need to be cleared.

"Treatment is directed toward soothing the circulation and detoxifying the meridians near the affected area,” say acupuncturists from Advanced Acupuncture in Santa Monica, CA.

There are a number of specific points that acupuncturists target when a patient is dealing with a toothache, depending on where in the mouth the pain is being experienced. “Ear gate” is targeted to alleviate upper-jaw tooth pain, while the “jawbone” point, located in the stomach, is more specific to mouth and jaw pain. Another stomach point, “below the joint” treats lower jaw tooth pain.

Of course, if you are experiencing any tooth or jaw pain, it is recommended that you see a dentist, who can assess problems with the teeth, gums or jaw. But the great thing about acupuncture for tooth pain is that it is effective whether the patient is experiencing pain before or after a visit to the dentist. So if you’re feeling some discomfort in those pearly whites, or just got them treated and are recovering, don’t hesitate to see us!

Can Acupuncture Prevent Lower Back Surgery?

Every patient seeking acupuncture encounters the treatment for different reasons.

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Whether it's to improve your overall sense of well being or to treat a highly specific problem, its one of the least invasive and most natural ways to help combat physical, mental and emotional ailments.

One of the most common reasons acupuncture is sought after is back pain, and it's no surprise —  7 out of 10 Americans complaining of suffering from the condition at some point in their lives. But aside from helping to alleviate the pain, can it help to prevent the need for surgery down the line?  It's possible.

According to Medical News Bulletin, a Korean study went on to show that when compared with patients who sought acupuncture treatment, those who did not had a higher likelihood of needing surgery. 

The results suggested two possible reasons: acupuncture is effective at managing low back pain thereby decreasing the need for any lumbar surgery, and that the combination of both traditional and conventional medicine in Korea decreases the need for surgery.  It is also noted that study participants in the group that received acupuncture were,  "far more likely to receive other types of therapy too than those patients in the group that did not receive acupuncture: they received only conventional medicine treatments."

While additional studies are needed to confirm if acupuncture has the same effect when patients with low back pain of similar severity are compared (the researchers didn't know the level of severity for each patient) the results are quite favorable.

Once again, the potential and power of acupuncture is evident, and the benefits of seeking holistic and natural treatments prior to undergoing any severe or invasive procedures are so important to know. 




Acupuncture for the Aging

One of the inevitable, often dreaded but yet beautiful aspects of life is the physical process aging and the gift of getting older.


Though it means we’ve been blessed with the gift of longevity, there are some inevitable aches, pains, physical changes and other maladies that can come along with it, too.

Luckily, acupuncture can help.

We’ve already outlined how acupuncture for anti-aging beauty can be powerful here.  Considered an all-natural facelift of sorts, it can take the place harsh chemicals and restore your skin to a more youthful state. But what else can it do for the aging? 

Acupuncture can actually help with most complaints from seniors, including sleep issues, muscle pain and tension, arthritis, energy, mobility and mood.

Explained in this article on Chinese Medicine Living, as we age we see a gradual decline in our “Jing” which is considered to be the vital energy, or life source we all embody. It is believed that we are only born with a finite amount, and lifestyle can impact how and when it is used, and whether it’s used “wisely.”  Acupuncture treatment can help to reduce the loss of Jing which can cause symptoms of premature aging, thus potentially improving your vital energy.

Additionally, acupuncture is considered extremely safe in the aging.  Many senior citizens may find themselves taking various medications to treat medical conditions that have arisen through the years — but unlike other conventional or pharmaceutical interventions, you don’t have to worry about any potential interactions when it comes to acu.

Unfortunately, many seniors are often finding themselves alone, with feelings of loneliness or isolation. So, an acupuncture regimen with a friendly practitioner can also help to provide a bit of the social and emotional connection they have been longing for.

If you are or happen to know a senior who might benefit from acupuncture to help improve their daily life — call to schedule an appointment today!






Baby Overdue? Try Acu.

Anyone who is, or has been pregnant knows that pregnancy is actually not nine months — it’s  forty long weeks and sometimes (especially for first time moms) it can be even longer.  


But once you reach full term (which most doctors agree is 39 weeks and onward) you’ll probably do anything to get the baby safely born, and stat.

While certain medical conditions may require a medical induction — use of various strategies and medications to start labor when the body won’t start on its own — there are other ways to prep and prime your body for labor too, including acupuncture.

Through the process of acupuncture, the production of oxytocin can be produced, AKA the magic hormone that initiates labor. The strategic placement of acuneedles can, and often does lead to cervical ripening, dilation, and effacement which can begin the labor process for those who have not yet begun.

Acupuncture can also help to strengthen and further dilate the cervix for those in early or prodromal labor, which can last from hours to days to weeks.

Stimulating blood flow, production of oxytocin, balancing qi and promoting relaxation are all direct ways that your body can, and will respond to acupuncture while still being a safe way to induce. (As long as you are full term, that is.)  While relaxation can sound nearly impossible when you’re due date is either fast approaching or has come and gone, the state of the body really does come into play as to whether labor will begin or not.

In addition to acupuncture, acupressure (also known as reflexology) can be effective as well. Incorporated into a prenatal massage or as a standalone treatment, specific points along the body can be stimulated to help initiative or strengthen contractions throughout early labor.

When both therapies are used together, though, they typically yield productive results. 

And hey — what pregnant woman would turn down a massage?


Acupuncture a Great Solution for GERD and Peptic Ulcers

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If you’re feeling a burning sensation in your stomach, heartburn, nausea, and experience discomfort when eating certain fatty foods, you may not be dealing just with your garden-variety indigestion.

While they are fairly rare, you could be dealing with a peptic ulcer. Around 200,000 cases of peptic ulcers are treated a year, and usually only when they cause severe pain. On top of it all, many times, peptic ulcers are caused by overuse of over the counter painkillers and NSAIDs…the medications many use for their pain and discomfort instead of seeking out holistic and natural approaches.

But, 75% of peptic ulcers go untreated, with many people believing they just suffer from heartburn or stomach aches. The good thing is that, regardless of if you’re been professionally diagnosed with a peptic ulcer or do indeed just GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), acupuncture is here to help. A recent study has been done that shows that acupuncture combined with medications was more effective in treating peptic ulcers than the medications alone. According to the study, the drug control group achieve an 82.2% total effective rate, while the acupuncture treatment group achieve a 95.6% total effective rate.

And the acupuncture proved to be a more long-lasting solution to treating peptic ulcers. In a follow up a year after the initial study, patients receiving only drug therapy had a 41.7% recurrence rate of peptic ulcers. Patients receiving drug therapy plus acupuncture had a 15.4% recurrence rate. 

An additional study sought to find out acupuncture’s effectiveness in treating GERD, specifically a subset of the disorder called non-erosive reflux disease. The study concluded: “Acupuncture regulates the following bodily processes: gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal motility, neuroendocrine related secretions, perceived pain thresholds. Acupuncture increases the concentration of blood motilin (a polypeptide hormone) and gastrin, both of which restore LES motor function, effectively treating GERD.”

So if you or anyone you know is dealing with chronic GERD issues or has a peptic ulcer, be sure to make an appointment and get started on your acupuncture treatment.








Acupuncture Helping Those Who Respond to Natural Disasters


The past year has seen a number of devastating natural disasters in our country. Hurricane Harvey caused massive destruction in Texas, primarily the Houston area, while Puerto Rico is still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Maria. Right now in Northern California, the Carr Fire continues to cause massive damage, the 6th most destructive wildfire in the state’s history.

In all of these situations, first responders come to the affected area to provide the area with crucial services, including help to the victims and those who need to be evacuated. That work is incredible demanding on the body, and in such a high-pressure, stressful and fast-paced environment, first responders aren’t easily able to remember to take time to care for their bodies. And waiting months after the incident to treat injuries and pains makes the road to recovery that much more difficult.

Thankfully there are organizations out there that head to disaster areas with the goal of helping those in need and the first responders who are working to provide aid, such as Acupuncturists Without Borders and the Disaster Acupuncture and Massage Project. And new research shows that this type of treatment is very beneficial to its recipients. The study looked at over 1,000 victims and first responders in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Joso City Flood.

The victims were suffering all sorts of injuries and the first responders were frequently dealing with back, shoulder and knee issues brought about by the intense physical work of disaster relief. The study found significantly decreased pain in those who were administered massage and acupuncture.

Acupuncture helps folks recover from pain brought on by all sorts of situations. It’s great to know that it’s helping those who put their lives on the line in response to natural disasters.



Acupuncture Helps Veterans with PTSD Sleep Better

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Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, otherwise known as PTSD, is a disorder that develops in people after they have experienced a shocking, scary or traumatic event. It can either be short term or chronic, and symptoms include bad dreams and trouble sleeping, feeling tense and on edge, having angry outbursts, depression, and more. PTSD affects around 8% of Americans, around 24 million people.


While anyone who experiences a traumatic experience can become affected by PTSD, Awareness around PTSD has grown in the public consciousness over the past few years in relation to military veterans who suffer from it. The situations that our servicemen and women endure are unsurprisingly incredibly difficult to deal with emotionally. Unfortunately, adequate care for our veterans is not always top of mind in our country.


Thankfully, studies are beginning to show what acupuncturists have known—that the ancient practice is an effective, safe, and lasting treatment for PTSD, particularly the insomnia and uneven sleep patterns that veterans suffer from. A recent survey done at the Atlanta Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Georgia in conjunction with Emory University determined gave a group of veterans, with a mean age of 40 and suffering from PTSD and mild traumatic brain injuries 10 acupuncture administrations. The other half of the group received sham acupuncture, and the findings were clear.


“Acupuncture provides meaningful relief for a particularly recalcitrant problem affecting large segments of the veteran population,” the study said. The relief was judged by sleep study, measured by the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and showed that those who received acupuncture received a 2.7% increase in sleep efficiency.


If you or anyone you know suffers from PTSD and particularly struggles with sleeping, let them know that acupuncture is here to treat them safely and for the long term. And don’t forget to thank them for their sacrifice and service to our country!


China Embracing Acupuncture for Dogs

In prior posts, we’ve shared stories of how acupuncture can help to improve the lives, pain levels and mobility in animals and beloved pets. This story is no different, but covers how animal acupuncture is now being incorporated into pet care in China, too.



According to a post last week from TIME magazine, China’s use of pet acupuncture is booming — which is interesting given their controversial, inhumane and well, complicated history of relationships with dogs. 


While tons of animal activists are consistently making efforts to improve the lives of dogs and save them from the infamous Yulin Dog Meat Festival, other Chinese households are expanding their love and appreciation for our four-legged friends, and we couldn't be happier.

Some are even turning to the Shanghai Traditional Chinese Medicine. And Neurology Animal Health Center, seeking acupuncture treatments to help their pets with a wide range of issues and discomforts.

The TIME article quotes dog owner Mr. Wang, who brought his toy poodle to the acupuncture clinic after being involved in a car accident. Of the treatment experience he said, “ I think the treatment works, because now my dog  can stand up with just a little help, so I’m optimist about his recovery.”

Acupuncturist Jin Rishan explained that human and dog acupuncture are quite similar saying, “Acupuncture for pets is almost the same as that for humans,” and, “You have to figure out the main and accompany acupoints based on the disease.”

We love that more and more people and countries are beginning to incorporate acupuncture into animal care, as the therapy and it’s benefits does not have to be limited to humans.

While we only treat humans at NJ Acupuncture Center, we love our furry friends and are thrilled they are experiencing the healing benefits of the practice.

Acupuncture Found to be Safest Option for Treating Osteoarthritis


Osteoarthitis is the most common form of arthritis, and it can occur and create damage at any joint in our bodies. What happens is the cartilage in our joints that separates bones from one another gradually deteriorates. In the early stages, the cartilage becomes rough, which causes pain and stiffness in joints. But if untreated, eventually the cartilage can be removed completely, causing bones to run right up against each other.


This condition occurs most commonly in our major joints, like our hands and knees, and especially our hips. Hip Osteoarthritis affects anywhere from 3 to 11% of the population in Western countries, which means millions of people suffer from this nasty degeneration. Since there is no cure for osteoarthritis, there are a number of ways doctors generally treat the condition. Physical therapy is popular, and surgery could be performed in the worst cases, but in the meantime the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs is often prescribed to deal with the pain.


Thankfully, studies are beginning to be performed to show what acupuncturists have known for decades—that among all the treatments available for those suffering from a condition like hip osteoarthritis, acupuncture isn’t just on par or superior, but it’s by far the safest, with the fewest potential negative side effects.


Researchers in the US and China went back and looked at studies done historically on how to treat osteoarthritis and judged the combined findings. In all the studies, none of the subjects reported any adverse side effects.


As for acupuncture’s ability to heal those who are suffering, the strongest of the studies that were reviewed found  “that acupuncture plus routine physician care was more effective than routine care alone at decreasing pain, improving bodily function and increasing physical quality of life.”


We know that acupuncture is effective for treating disorders such as osteoarthritis because its goal is not to simply mask pain, but treat the root causes of pain brought about by unbalance in the body. If you think you suffer from any form of osteoarthritis or are beginning to feel pain and stiffness in your joints, we’re here to help.


Ostearthitis Treatment

Achilles Tendon Pain? Try Acupuncture.


One of the more common orthopedic surgeries is an Achilles tendon repair, which can help to treat pain and mobility issues that stem from Achilles tendinopathy, or a swollen and painful tendon located behind the ankle and above the heel.

The condition, according to the American Orthopedic Foot & Ankle Society, is most common amongst athletes, runners and patients who have general calf tightness. A common method of treatment is to surgically repair the part of the damaged/diseased tendon, often by removing it and reattaching it to the bone of the heel, and including removal of bursas (painful fluid filled sacks).

This procedure often requires a long recovery time, up to many months, and is said to be quite painful too.

For these reasons and more, it is well worth it to consider acupuncture prior to going under the knife.


Well, according to the Healthcare Medicine Institute, acupuncture has been proven to be an effective treatment modality for disorders of the Achilles tendon. In fact, in a recent article they say, “Two clinical case histories were published by Dr. Hawks demonstrating that acupuncture is, ‘highly effective, with rapid results for both acute and chronic Achilles tendinopathy and was performed easily in an austere environment.’”

In both of these case studies, patients received targeted acupuncture therapy at specific acupuncture points, and angled into the Achilles tendon itself.  Electroacupuncture techniques were also used at 30 Hz for 15 minutes.

During an interview with patients, they are quoted as saying one, “was skeptical about getting acupuncture at first; however, after receiving acupuncture, he was ‘able to walk without a limp.’”

The overall takeaway of the study?

“Acupuncture speeds repair and assists in the return of normal functioning of the tendon. Additionally, acupuncture. Strengthens the tendons and may prevent exacerbations, aggravations and future injuries.”

We already know the healing abilities of the ancient practice, and these case studies only help to further prove that acupuncture should be considered as a noninvasive, alternative therapy prior to making nay surgical decisions.

Acupuncture for Opioids - One Acupuncturist's Personal Passion

Most acupuncturists find their way into the field fueled by passion and a strong belief in the healing powers of the ancient art.


For acupuncturist Ryan Gauthier, there’s even more to it.

As the Detroit Free Press reports, after tragically losing his husband of five months to an opioid overdose this past Fall, utilizing acupuncture as a means for pain control is all the more important.

As the opioid epidemic in America continues to grow stronger and claim more and more lives, there’s more pressure than ever to find alternatives to these highly addictive, and often misused prescription pain killers.

Of the epidemic, Gauthier is quoted as saying, “It doesn't matter, your career. It doesn't discriminate (based on) your race, your gender. You can be a (health care) provider trying to help people ... and it can be the person you thought you were going to spend the rest of your life with."

In fact, the CDC reports staggering statistics including:

·       From 1999 to 2016, more than 630,000 people have died from a drug overdose.

·       Around 66% of the more than 63,600 drug overdose deaths in 2016 involved an opioid.

·       In 2016, the number of overdose deaths involving opioids (including prescription opioids and illegal opioids like heroin and illicitly manufactured fentanyl) was 5 times higher than in 1999.

·       On average, 115 Americans die every day from an opioid overdose.

Acupuncture has been proven time and time again to help with chronic pain control, as evidenced by both numerous scientific studies a well as thousands upon thousands patient testimonials. By restoring chi, balancing the energy within the body and increasing circulation, swelling can decrease, pain can lessen, and speedier healing can be promoted.

Additionally, acupuncture can help decrease tension and anxiety, as well as promote a sense of overall wellbeing and relaxation – all factors that can attribute to pain control.

Prior to filling the prescription for opioids, acupuncture is well worth your consideration.

Gautheir reflects, "Knowing my own situation and the pain that it caused in my own life, I think it makes me want to work for better regulations, better systems in dealing with people after they’re addicted, trying to help patients reduce their use of opioids," he said.

"Even though we call it a crisis I don’t think we in society realize how bad it really is.”

Gwyneth Paltrow is a Fan of Facial Acupuncture

Ever wonder how celebrities achieve their glowing and age defying complexions? Us, too. 


Unfortunately, not too many celebs are eager to spill their secrets to the fountain of youth. But thankfully, Gwyneth Paltrow just did!

This past Wednesday, Paltrow posted a zoomed in selfie of her flawless face on Instagram with acu-needles perfectly placed. The caption read, “Is anyone else into acupuncture? Check out link for a video with master @iloveacupuncture." 

(PS - We're totally into acupuncture too, Gwyneth!)

Her acupuncturist of three years, who US Weekly reports is Paul Kempisty LAc, is quoted by the publication as saying, “facial acupuncture, also known as facial rejuvenation acupuncture, is performed much like regular acupuncture but with a particular focus on supporting connective tissue, circulation and detoxification of the face.”

He further explained, “The local face points also specifically promote wound healing, collagen production, circulation and relaxed and supple muscles on the face and often produces a feeling of deep relaxation and rejuvenation during and after the procedure.”

Here at NJ Acupuncture Center, we take pride in our facial acupuncture services, which are gaining in popularity.

Our acupuncturists are trained to help clients achieve their skincare goals, whether it be anti-aging, improved complexion, acne treatment and more.  We utilize a variety of techniques to help restore your complexion, fight signs of aging, lift and tone the skin, and improve circulation for an overall fresher look.

If you're interested in incorporating acupuncture into your skincare and beauty routine, please call the office at (201) 668-0343 to schedule an appointment! 

Acupuncture for Joint Pain in Cancer Patients

Recent reports from The Washington Times reveal that acupuncture just might be helpful for women going through painful  treatments for breast cancer.

A popular classification of drugs called aromatase inhibitors is often used to treat breast cancer when it’s detected early – but they can also lead to joint pain. SO bad, in fact, that some women opt to discontinue using the medications just for relief.

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Thankfully, a new study from New York Presbyterian, published in the Journal of American Medicine, discovered that acupuncture just might be able to help.

In a study that included research from 226 post-menopausal women who were split into three groups: those who received actual acupuncture, a “fake” treatment, and those who received no treatment at all. The “fake” treatment included needles inserted in their body, but at non-pressure points.

Overall, the group of patients who received true acupuncture reported their pain rating as two full points less than it was prior to treatment starting, while the control group who received nothing had at least .99 less pain.

The Washington Times reports, “researchers called the pain reduction in the true acupuncture group ‘statistically significant but modest improvements.”

Even if only modest, the use of acupuncture to provide any form of relief from women undergoing breast cancer treatments is reassuring.

We have long known that acupuncture can help to provide pain relief and this reaffirms the wide range of modalities as to why patients might seek the holistic treatment.

The use of strategically placed acuneedles throughout targeted acupuncture points can help to restore the flow of “chi” or energy throughout the body – restoring a sense of balance while reducing inflammation and overall pain.

Acupuncture has also been shown to reduce joint pain in arthritic patients, as well as those with injuries or during surgical recovery.